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Aphrodite Wax Melts


Bask in the unparalleled beauty of Aphrodite!

A fragrance by the goddess of love, beauty and sensuality could only be spicy, irresistible and bewitching. With its complex combination of warming spice, mystical dark florals, spicy and sensual woods, it perfectly reflects passion and dreaminess.


top notes: Clove - Cinnamon - Nutmeg - Lemon

heart notes: Spicy - Floral - Frankincense - Cyclamen

base notes: Woody - Sandalwood - Musk - Amber - Patchouli 


Hand-poured by Me, with an added sprinkling of Lancashire Love! ​​​


Add botanicals if you wish and choose either....


8 heart shaped soy wax melts in a biodegradable glassine pouch bag.

The net weight is 55 grams approx




6 Cube bar in a biodegradable glassine pouch bag.

The net weight is 75 grams approx

A branded cotton bag for you to keep your melts in, which is reusable is also available to buy.


A branded cotton bag for you to keep your melts in, which is reusable is also available to buy.


How to enjoy...Simply place one cube (or two if your burner is large) into your burner, once you can no longer smell the fragrance, allow the wax to cool and dispose of the set wax in the bin.


Don't pour the wax down the sink.

Keep out of the reach of Children and Pets.

Aphrodite Wax Melts


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